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Missional Family
We are on mission with Jesus, following His great commission to go and make disciples. Our going involves making an impact both locally (through HSC, church planting, supporting local missions) and globally (through supporting missionary partners overseas and sending workers out). We do this as brothers and sisters together in God's Family; a royal priesthood where both young and old play their part, using their diverse gifts to build up the church and make Jesus known. Our aim in all things is to reflect the family likeness and the character of our Heavenly Father by being more like Jesus. This means as a family we want to be characterised as a welcoming community, known for our generosity, grace, joy, passion, love, hope and righteousness, amongst other things. As a family we value relationships, doing life together and gathering together for mutual care and support.
We seek to faithfully proclaim and live out God's Word, which by the power of the Holy Spirit transforms both ourselves and the world. At the heart of this proclamation is the wonderful good news that Jesus Christ is Lord and Saviour; that by His life, death and resurrection God's Kingdom has broken into the mess of this world. This proclamation is both an invitation to all to repent and enjoy fellowship with King Jesus and others in His Kingdom, and also a declaration to the principalities and powers that Jesus reigns and is victorious over all. We have a real expectation that we will see God's Kingdom at work as His Word is proclaimed. Therefore, we want to take every opportunity to share this good news and what Jesus has done. We value gathering together regularly to hear God's Word proclaimed through preaching and teaching, both on Sundays and in Care Groups, knowing that we will not only hear God's voice, but we will be inspired and empowered by the Holy Spirit to put His Word into practice.
Bible Proclamation
Steadfast Prayer
We believe prayer is central to a living faith. It is a key foundational activity for spiritual growth and breakthrough. Consequently, personal and corporate prayer must remain central in all that we do, and be the birth place of any new initiatives or activities we engage in. Therefore, we will encourage prayer at every opportunity and in a variety of ways, aspiring to be a community committed to seeking the Father's heart. We want the core of our prayers to be in line with Jesus' own prayer of "Not my will, but yours be done" - prayers saturated in knowing and doing what God wants. We rejoice that we can approach Him with confidence and recognise that we come in total dependence to our Heavenly Father, who knows what we need before we even ask. This means that we will not lose heart but will remain steadfast in prayer, expecting and trusting our Heavenly Father to answer us in His way and in His time.
We recognise that we need the empowering of the Holy Spirit to help us be the church Jesus wants us to be; we can't do it in our own strength. Like Jesus during His earthly ministry we need to maintain a humble dependency upon the Holy Spirit at all times. Therefore, we will seek the Holy Spirit's equipping, including supernatural gifts, so that we can be used by God as He builds His Kingdom. We will cooperate with Him as He purifies us from sin and fear, empowering us to live holy, passionate and courageous lives full of the fruit of the Spirit. We will also seek to know His manifest presence amongst us, believing that "God is here", especially when we gather together on a Sunday. We long to experience the joy, life, freedom and hope that His presence brings as we worship the Lord through song, by breaking bread together, and by hearing His Word.
Empowered Living
Joyful Worship
We want to be known for our joy. We do not want to be known as a bored, grumbling, burdened people, but as those who experience genuine joy in knowing and serving Jesus. Consequently, our Sunday gatherings will be characterised by a joy in the Lord. We will come into His joyful presence with glad, thankful hearts, offering our joyful worship in response to who God is and what He has done for us through Jesus. These gatherings will be a moment in the week for us to reorientate ourselves around the "good news of great joy", and provide a foretaste of the perfect joy we will know when Jesus returns. We also want our day-to-day lives to be characterised by joyful worship, for all of life is worship. Therefore, with the Holy Spirit's empowering we seek to delight in knowing and serving Jesus Monday to Saturday at home and at work.
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